The business behind the every-day brands you see at your local supermarket is a massive, complex and dynamic operation dedicated to planning, sourcing, making and delivering products to millions of customers every week.
FMCG Supply Chain puts you at the heart and in the hot seat of this operation. And it offers a realm of graduate and global career opportunities and internships.
I was part of the project team for a
new body wash launch. The usual
timing for a launch is one year from the
product creation but the retailer wanted
it in seven months. When we got the new
products off the ship, we had to organise
to get them re-packed into different box
configurations as well. It was right down
to the wire. On the Friday before
the Monday delivery I had the sales
manager coming in every hour for
updates. It was cool to finally see
the product on the shelf.
With globalisation and the power of online influence, it’s crucial for businesses to deliver quality goods and services to customers, effectively and efficiently, in order to survive.
A job in supply chain is the cog that helps achieve these outcomes.
In FMCG supply chain, you work on real products with local and global colleagues in a constantly moving environment. Every day is different to the next.
You might be responsible for planning how many cans you need to satisfy the demands of the next consumer promotion. You may need to problem-solve how to remove a tonne of damaged product from a container ship, or work closely in a team to get the newest brand or product onto supermarket shelves. And you never know where the global connections could lead to.
If you’re ready to be challenged and want to make a difference, then supply chain is for you.